
Operating and maintenance instructions gate valves

Operating and maintenance instructions gate valves – Soft sealing  Fig.014S_024S

PDFFigure Noshort description
013Mflat, PN 10, GJL-250, metal seat, outside stem
014SBody and Bonnet EN-GJS-400-15 EPDM soft sealing Stem 1.4021
14VComing soon
021MBody and bonnet GJL-250 Seats 1.4307 Stem 1.4006
023MBody and bonnet GJL-250 Seats 1.4307 Stem 1.4006
024SBody and Bonnet EN-GJS-400-15 EPDM soft sealing Stem in 1.4021
030round, PN 10, GP240GH+N, metal seat, outside stem, ISO-flange/handwheel
031round, PN 16, GP240GH+N, metal seat, outside stem, ISO-flange/handwheel
032round, PN 25, GP240GH+N, metal seat, outside stem, ISO-flange/handwheel
033round, PN 40, GP240GH+N, metal seat, outside stem, ISO-flange/handwheel
034small, PN 40, P250GH, metal seat, outside stem
036round, PN 63, GP240GH+N, metal seat, outside stem
037round, PN 100, GP240GH+N, metal seat, outside stem
040ANSI, class 150, A216 WCB
041Coming soon
042ANSI, class 600, A216 WCB
048ANSI, class 800, A105 N
052flat, PN 16/10, GP240GH+N, metal seat, outside stem
066round, PN 63, 1.4408, metal seat, outside stem
067round, PN 100, 1.4408, metal seat, outside stem
070flat, PN 16/10, 1.4408, metal seat, outside stem
079Coming soon
074round, PN 40, 1.4408, metal seat, outside stem, ISO-flange/handwheel
075round, PN 16, 1.4408, metal seat, outside stem, ISO-flange/handwheel
076round, PN 25, 1.4408, metal seat, outside stem, ISO-flange/handwheel
079Coming soon
800flat, PN 16, GJS-500-7, soft sealing, inside stem
801flat, PN 10, GJS-500-7, soft sealing, inside stem
802Body and Bonnet EN-GJS-500-7 EPDM soft sealing Stem in 1.4021
803Body and Bonnet EN-GJS-500-7 EPDM soft sealing Stem in 1.4021

Operating and maintenance instructions globe valves

PDFFigure No.short description
101PN 16, GJL-250, metal seat
102Coming soon
106Coming soon
110Coming soon
103Coming soon
114PN 40, GP240GH+N, metal seat, bellow
116Body and yoke GP240GH+N Seats Stellit/13 Cr Stem 1.4021 Bellow 1.4401
120PN 25, GP240GH+N, metal seat
121PN 40, GP240GH+N, metal seat
122PN 16, GP240GH+N, metal seat
140ANSI, class 150, A216 WCB, o. s. & y.
141ANSI, class 300, A216 WCB, o. s. & y.
142Coming soon
148ANSI, class 800, A216 WCB, o. s. & y.
150 PN 63, GP240GH+N, metal seat
151PN 100, GP240GH+N, metal seat
201PN 16, 1.4408, metal seat
211PN 40, 1.4408, metal seat
216PN 40, 1.4408, metal seat, throttling plug
231PN 16, 1.4408, metal seat, bellow
241PN 40, 1.4408, metal seat, bellow

Operating and maintenance instructions strainers

PDFFigure No.short description
308Coming soon
309Coming soon
394Coming soon
305PN 10, GJL-250
316PN 16, GJL-250
350PN25, GP240GH+N
351PN40, GP240GH+N
352PN16, GP240GH+N
354PN10, GP240GH+N
380PN 16, 1.4408
385PN 40, 1.4408
390ANSI, class 150, A216 WCB
391"ANSI- Strainer - Fig.391 - class 300 in A105 / A216 WCB"
393ANSI, class 150, A351 CF8
396ANSI, class 150, A351 CF8M
397ANSI, class 300, A351 CF8M
Operating and maintenance instructions globe  check valves

PDFFigure No.short description
250PN16, GJL-250
261PN 40, GP-240GH+N, metal seat
281PN 16, 1.4408, metal seat
282PN 40, 1.4408, metal seat

Operating and maintenance instructions swing check valves

PDFFigure No.short description
402Coming soon
403Coming soon
406PN 16, GJL-250, metal seat, epoxy coated
407PN 10, GJL-250, metal seat, epoxy coated
409PN 10, GJL-250, GJS-500-7, soft sealing, epoxy coated
411PN 16, GJL-250, metal seat, epoxy coated, lever and weight
422Coming soon
423Coming soon
451PN 16, GP240GH+N, metal seat, EN 558-1 series 48
452Coming soon
453PN 40, GP240GH+N, metal seat, EN 558-1 series 1
461PN 16, 1.4408, metal seat
463Swing check valve - Fig. 463 - PN 40 in 1.4408
481Swing check valve - Fig.481 - PN 16 in EN-JS 1030
490ANSI, class 150, A216 WCB
491ANSI, class 300, A216 WCB
492ANSI, class 600, A216 WCB

Operating and maintenance instructions ball valves – upon request

PDFFigure No.short description
740ANSI-Ball valve - Fig.740 - class 150 in A216 WCB
741ANSI-Ball valve - Fig.741 - class 300 in A216 WCB
744ANSI-Ball valve - Fig.744 - class 150 in A 351 CF8M
745ANSI-Ball valve - Fig.745 - class 300 in A 351 CF8M
751PN40, GP240GH+N, 2-piece, EN 558-1 series 28
752PN16, GP240GH+N, 2-piece, EN 558-1 series 28
754PN40, GP240GH+N, 2-piece, EN 558-1 series27
755PN16, GP240GH+N, 2-piece, EN 558-1 series 27
761PN40, 1.4408, 2-piece, EN 558-1 series 28
762PN16, 1.4408, 2-piece, EN 558-1 series 28
764PN40, 1.4408, 2-piece, EN 558-1 series 27
765PN16, 1.4408, 2-piece, EN 558-1 series 27